Archive for the ‘Research & Studies’ Category

Ergonomics for the Standing Worker

Posted on November 28th, 2017 by Ron LaDew

By Lisa O’Dell, Vice President of Marketing, Wearwell The word “ergonomics” is defined as “the natural laws of work”. Optimal performance, which many of us define as productivity, is the ultimate goal of ergonomic design. It’ therefore reasonable to expect that the implementation

Does the ADA affect the use of anti-fatigue and entrance matting?

Posted on November 28th, 2017 by Ron LaDew

ANSWER: YES Anti-fatigue In terms of anti-fatigue matting, there are no specific guidelines requiring usage. However, in many cases anti fatigue mats can provide the reasonable accommodation necessary for a disabled applicant to perform the required job task. Standing for long periods on

Dynamic Ergonomics-Anti-Fatigue Matting Does Increase Production

Posted on November 28th, 2017 by Ron LaDew

A 12 Month Study Published by Wearwell Company At the 1992 National Safety Show, Ed G. Mohr, C.S.P Coordinator of Ergonomics and Safety Engineering for General Motors Corporation in Auburn Hills, presented a lecture on the importance of Ergonomic interventions. He said, “We

Wearwell Switchboard Matting Passes the MSHA Flame Test!

Posted on November 28th, 2017 by Ron LaDew

October 29, 2007 Wearwell Switchboard Matting passes the MSHA Flame Test Wearwell’s Corrugated and Diamond-Plate Switchboard matting passed the Mine Safety and Health Administration’s (MSHA) fire resistance test. To pass, the material must flameout quickly and have a minimal char length. This increases