
Comfort Pro™ Anti-fatigue mat is the best solution when a corrugated surface is a must. The wide corrugated pattern provides good traction for slippery areas. The Flexlink PVC sponge base is an economical fatigue solution.
- “Better” sponge base
- Easy to clean and maintain.
- Comfort Pro® Anti-fatigue mats are available in 1/2” (13 mm) and 7/8” (22 mm) UltraSoft thick sponge base.
All dry work areas
Compound: Vinyl surface with a Nitricell sponge base
Compression 1/2″ thick: .31 in @ 35 psi per ASTM D575
Compression 7/8″ thick: .42 in @ 35 psi per ASTM D575
Coefficient of Friction: .84 Dry per ASTM F1677
Tabor Abrasion: < 1% lost @ 1,000 cycles per Fed Std. 193
Flammability: “A” Rating per MVSS 302
Edges: Safety beveled
Color: Black
Material Safety Data Sheet
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